Portrait of Toke Ronex

Toke Ronex

UX Designer and Web Developer

Key points and applied skills


  • Semantic markup with XHTML, HTML 4 and HTML 5 using W3C standards and microformats.
  • Styling apps and sites with object-oriented CSS 2 and CSS 3 for pixel-perfect layouts across modern browsers, and with focus on backward compatibility.
  • Experience with Javascript, DOM, JSON and jQuery.
  • Very focused on performance optimization. It being load times on sites and minimizing server load.
  • Specialized in minimalistic UX design. Responsive and fluid grid systems.


  • Object-oriented PHP programming and MySQL databases. Experience with SMS and payment gateways.
  • Completely familiar with Content Management Systems as WordPress, Drupal and ProcessWire. Able to build custom CMS and backends.
  • Web App Development for platforms such as iOS and Android.
  • Intermediate in .NET C# and use of MS SQL.


  • Getting benefits of technologies such as QR-codes, SEO, Google Analytics, surveys and feedback-APIs.
  • Knowledge and qualifications in viral and cross platform marketing.


  • Experienced in corporate visual identity design.
  • Knowledge of intuitive and persuasive design methods.
  • Custom font face design.

Professional experience


  • Business Bachelor in Web Development,
    Business Academy Copenhagen North
  • Academy Profession Degree in Multimedia Design and Communication,
    Business Academy Selandia CEU
  • Athlete,
    College of Sports, Viborg
  • High School Student,
    VUC, Holbæk